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This year Wesley UMC’s stewardship theme is ‘Wesley Church Makes a World of Difference.’ And we think you will agree that Wesley indeed does! Through worship, learning, witness, generosity, and service, this congregation reaches out to meet the needs of our members, neighbors, and people worldwide. We are thankful for those who have sponsored a day, a partial day, or multiple days! All commitments are counting toward our goal, and we take the challenge seriously to sponsor a future of faith for generations to come.

Questions? Contact Myrna Simpson

Seven days a week, Wesley UMC thrives, but only if we continue to have the resources to provide to our community. To do this, we depend on the giving nature of our dedicated congregation.

Please help us reach our investment card goal of 365 days of sponsorships and $1.1Million for the 2023 year.

• Commitment cards have been sent to all homes on our member list. If you have not yet received one, please let one of our Pastors know.

• All cards can be left in the offering plates on Sundays or given to Myrna Simpson during the week.

• You can give online through the Wesley website by clicking the ‘Stewardship’ tab at the very top of each page.



There are many ways to give from the safety and comfort of your home. The easiest way is to click below to give online with our secure and SSL-encrypted donation site.

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You may also submit an online offering by texting. To do this, simply text:

"${your donation amount}OFFERING" to:(309) 822-4442

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For mail-in offerings, please mail a check to:

Wesley United Methodist Church

502 East Front Street, Bloomington, IL 61701

For more than 70 years, Wesley United Methodist Church has been blessed with the opportunity of bringing Christ’s love into the world. Thanks to the generous stewardship of our congregation, our church has been able to transform lives and be a beacon of faith, joy, and hope in our community. Your faithful giving will allow us to continue our ministry, expand our programs, and change lives. And we are so grateful.

In addition to financial offerings, we also greatly need specific items each month. If you are out shopping and would like to support our community by providing item donations, please view the monthly list of things we will be collecting. These are essential items that our community needs most, and your generous gifts help provide them with the comforts of knowing they are being supported in their time of great stress and uncertainty.

See below for more ways to support Wesley United Methodist Church financially. You can also easily set up automatic online contributions. If you wish to give to a specific ministry that Wesley supports, please include that note with your gift (Distribution Ministry, Healing Rides, Youth Ministries, Music Ministries, Memorial, Wesley's Bright Beginnings, or give to the General Fund, and we'll allocate your donation where it's needed most).

Thank you for your gifts and continued support!


NEW! Now you can download the

GIVEPLUS+ mobile app on your smartphone:



GivePlus Payment Solutions are an excellent way to give from your laptop, tablet, phone, or any device with an Internet connection. Set up recurring donations for weekly offerings, pledges, or one-time gifts to an unlimited number of funds. You can also provide online payments for special events, school tuition, daycare, and more!

Returning patrons can log in to add new transactions, edit existing transactions or view a complete history of their online donations and payments with a few clicks!

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When you shop with Amazon, remember that AmazonSmile generates funds for Wesley United Methodist Church!

AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support Wesley United Methodist Church every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact prices and selection as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate .5% of your eligible purchases to Wesley United Methodist Church Bloomington!

Go to, enter "Wesley United Methodist Church" in the search bar, and scroll down to the Wesley UMC Bloomington, IL, as your designated charitable organization. Happy shopping!